Law Sheba

RJSC (Company, Partnership firm, Foundation, registration, share transfer/allotment, Return submission & others..)

Name Clearance

Name clearance is the first step to form a company/partnership firm/foundation or Association from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms (RJSC).

Formation of a company

Company formation is the term for the process of incorporation of a business in the Bangladesh. It is also sometimes referred to as company registration.

Share Transfer

Transfer of shares of a company means the voluntary handing over of the rights and liabilities, duties of a shareholder or director who wishes to not be a member in the company.

To transfer of share of a company the transferor have to present before the officer of the RJSC to confirm his sign.

Share Allotment

Share allotment is the creation and issuing of new shares by a company. New shares can be issued to either new or existing shareholders. Share allotment can have implications for any existing shareholders share proportion. Typically, new shares are allotted to bring on new business partners.

Return submits to RJSC

Every company has to submit their Audit report and yearly return to the RJSC with Schedule X. The company confirm their Audit report by AGM.

Formation of a Foundation

Foundation formed with a view to social work, non-profitable activities and voluntary acts. Joint Stock is the authority to issue certificate of formation of a foundation under Society Act. The investigation report of National Security Intelligence (NSI) is mandatory to get the permission of foundation.

Formation of a Partnership Firm

Partnership firm may be formed to make business without making company by enter into an agreement between the partners under The Partnership Act, 1932. A partnership firm may be registered from Joint Stock to make business with certificate and incorporation number.

Formation of an Association

Association means an organization of people with a common purpose and having a formal structure. The approval of Ministry of Commerce and Joint Stock shall be needed to make an association.


Our Package

Start-up Package

  Incorporation Certificate
  Memorandum & Articles
 Form XII
 Trade Licence
  BIN Certificate
  Company Resolution



  Incorporation Certificate
  Memorandum & Articles
 Form XII
  Trade Licence
  BIN Certificate
  VAT Submission
  Tax Return Submission
  Company Resolution



  Case Filing