Law Sheba

Litigation & Writ (Civil& Criminal Litigation, Bail Matters, Writ Matters & others..)


Civil suits include Right to Property and Right to office. If any person aggrieved by violating his any right, he may institute a civil suit to the concern civil court.

The Civil Litigation includes following subjects:

  1. Suit for recovery of possession of immovable property
  2. Suit for recovery of possession of movable property
  3. Suit for declaration
  4. Suit for damages and compensation
  5. Suit for Family related issues
  6. Any other civil suits under any civil laws.

Civil Litigation includes institution of suit, trial, appeal and revision against the order or decree of the original court or appellate court etc.


Writ is a special suit in High Court Division to enforce fundamental rights ensured by our Constitution. A writ may be instituted under the following subjects:

Writ of Mandamus; Mandamus is an order or order of the Court which directs any person, corporation or tribunal inferior requiring him to do something specific as his duty when a court, tribunal, authority or person has failed to fulfill his statutory duty, the High Court compels the Court or person to do his statutory duty.

Writ of Prohibition; to direct a person carrying out any functions relating to the affairs of the Republic or a local authority to refrain from doing what it is not permitted by law to do.

Writ of Certiorari: Certiorari is intended to supervise the superior courts action and make sure they have not surpassed their jurisdiction.

Writ of Habeas Corpus: to order an individual in custody to be brought before him in order to be satisfied that he is not in custody without legal power or unlawfully.

Writ of Quo-Warrant:Quo-Warrant is a writ verifying a person’s title to the office by the High Court and thus dismissing the unlawful occupants by judicial order.


Every person may file a case to the Police Station or Court against any offence affecting human body or property of his own or any other person.

Generally the State file a criminal case against the accused person like; case under Penal Code, Madok Drobbo Niyontron Ain, Nari O Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain etc.

A private person may also file a criminal case to concern court as CR case.

Criminal Litigation includes file a case to concern Police Station or court, trial, appeal and revision against the order or decree of the original court or appellate court etc.


Our Package

Start-up Package

  Incorporation Certificate
  Memorandum & Articles
 Form XII
 Trade Licence
  BIN Certificate
  Company Resolution



  Incorporation Certificate
  Memorandum & Articles
 Form XII
  Trade Licence
  BIN Certificate
  VAT Submission
  Tax Return Submission
  Company Resolution



  Case Filing